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U.S. Pet Industry Spending Figures & Future Outlook
Source: | Author:Dennis | Publish time:2014-12-04 | 1394 Views | Share:

The following spending statistics are gathered by APPA from various market reseach sources and are not included in the organization's bi-annual National Pet Owners Survey.    

Total U.S. Pet Industry Expenditures

Year                 Billion

2014                 $58.51 Estimated
2013                 $55.72 Actual

2012                 $53.33 

2011                 $50.96 

2010                 $48.35 
2009                 $45.5

2008                 $43.2

2007                 $41.2
2006                 $38.5 
2005                 $36.3
2004                 $34.4
2003                 $32.4
2002                 $29.5
2001                 $28.5
1998                 $23
1996                 $21
1994                 $17  

Estimated 2014 Sales within the U.S. Market

For 2014, it estimated that $58.51 billion will be spent on our pets in the U.S.

Estimated Breakdown:                                           
Food                                                      $22.62 billion 
Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $13.72 billion
Vet Care                                                $15.25 billion
Live animal purchases                             $2.19 billion
Pet Services: grooming & boarding           $4.73 billion 

Actual Sales within the U.S. Market in 2013

In 2013, $55.72 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S.

Food                                                      $21.57 billion 
Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $13.14 billion
Vet Care                                                $14.37 billion
Live animal purchases                             $2.23 billion
Pet Services: grooming & boarding           $4.41 billion 


Data sources and notes 

1. Food total is based on PFI research consultant Davenport Co, BCC, Inc plus Packaged Facts U.S. Pet Market Outlook 2013-2014, and IBISWorld 2013 Pet Food Analysis, Dillon Media February, 2013 trends report and Fountain Agricounsel 2012-2013 Situation Analysis Report, BCC 2013 Report on Pet Care Products and Services    

2. Supplies based on APPA historical, BCC Research-The Pet Industry, Fountain Agricounsel 2012-2013 Situation Analysis, Dillon, Mercanti Group, Pet Product News,  Packaged Facts, Dillon Media Pet Industry 2013 Strategic Outlook, IBISWorld Pet Store Analysis 2012

3. Veterinary care includes routine vet care/prescription meds and is based on AVMA, Newsweek, Brakke Consulting, Bain & Co, Fountain Agricounsel 2012-2013 Situation Analysis Report, Dillon Media Pet Industry 2013 Strategic Outlook, Packaged Facts Pet Market Outlook 2013-2014 and Bayer Veterinary Care Usage Study 2012     

4. Live Animal purchases based on APPA, AVMA, Barron's Research, Fountain Agricounsel, Franchise Magazine and Euromonitor estimates    

5. Other Services based on Packaged Facts, LA Times, APPA State of the Industry Report, Newsweek, Dillon Media Trends Report, IBISWorld and data  

6. Other Services include grooming, boarding, training, pet sitting, miscellaneous                                                          

7. Pet insurance figures are included in Veterinary Care