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Do Not consume Dogs !
Source: | Author:Dennis | Publish time:2014-11-05 | 1136 Views | Share:


In the People's Republic of china dogs are not only pets but also served in restaurant. For Chinese dogs is just meat as cow meat or chicken meat. Consuming dogs’ meat is not only in China, there are some special breeds of dogs raised in farms for consummation. In various place of the world dogs are kept as pets and imagining using dogs meat as food is a taboo. In countries as Alaska, northern Canada, Siberia and Greenland, when no food is available the sleds dogs are occasionally eaten. Roald Amundsen a Norwegian is known having eating sled dogs to survive during his expedition to South Pole. Most of the Chinese people do not consume dog meat; this is a reason why meat dog is cheap. In the, south-western, south and northeast areas of China are where mostly dog meat is consumes. Since the last the price of meat is higher. There has been a movement created starting from Guangzhou against the consumption of dogs and cats. In Germany during most German crisis since Frederick the Great dogs meat have been eaten, since 1986 dog meat has been prohibited. In Ghana dogs’ meat are eaten in some states because they believe that meat from dogs has medical powers.